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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Staff111
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Ultimo13
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» Castin de Sophie Wattson
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyLun Oct 17, 2011 6:31 pm por Sophy Watson

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptySáb Oct 15, 2011 7:50 am por Jared

» Find The way [Michelle Swan]
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyLun Oct 03, 2011 2:28 am por Jared

» The Kiss of Death-foro nuevo-afiliacion elite
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyDom Sep 25, 2011 12:58 am por Michelle Swan

» Lumos Máxima[Confirmación Elite]
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyLun Sep 19, 2011 6:31 pm por Invitado

» Mundo Mágico Latino - Afiliación Elite
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyMiér Sep 14, 2011 12:27 am por Invitado

» A Game of Throne {Conf.}
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyMar Sep 13, 2011 2:29 pm por Invitado

» All Crashes Down {Elite Aceptada}
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyMar Sep 13, 2011 11:35 am por Invitado

» At the Night's End. {¡NECESITAMOS CANNON!} -Confirmación de Afiliación Élite-.
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna EmptyMar Sep 13, 2011 6:59 am por Invitado

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Online11
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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Mejore10
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Copy10 Todas las imágenes, creaciones graficas, historias y personajes nuevos; derivaciones de estos y sus usuarios son creación plenamente de los administradores de este foro; cualquier ilegitimidad será denunciada a foro activo inmediatamente. Licencia de Creative Commons
Midnightsun by Staff Administrativo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at midnightsun.activo-foro.com.
Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Afilia11 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna D5y88 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna 40x75 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna 2vnnck6 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna BOTON Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Boton50 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna 3copia Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna 2vlv0x4 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna 30x7510 Photobucket Teatro de los vampiros Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Afilia40x70 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Cuadro10 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Cuadro10 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Cuadro10 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Cuadro10 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Cuadro10 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Cuadro10

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Empty Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

Mensaje por Luna Earnshaw Mar Mar 08, 2011 6:19 pm

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Susan_Coffey_by_K0iMoy0u
Luna Earnshaw
20 años aparenta 17

Vampiro vegetariano
Ella es una persona muy reflexiba ama pasar desapercibida y que la gente ignore que ella esta.... a pesar de ser asi, tiene algo en su actitud que no la deja, siempre ah de llamar la atencion o al menos casisiempre, no se siente comoda entre las multitudes ni tampoco le gusta que la gente intervenga en su vida.

se preocupa demasiado por todo y por todos, es sumamente amable a veces es algo inmadura, y asume con mucha afliccion que es un vampiro y su vida no sera igual jamas, trata de que los humanos no huyan de ella a pesar de su timides suele tratarlos con normalidad desde que a podido controlar bien su sed.

es de un humor alegre..pero discreto y siempre pretende que deberia ayudar a mejorar las cosas le gusta estar al pendiente de su hermano y a veces se pone melancolica...porque recuerda que su hermano fue quien la convirtio
"Fuera de los problemas, hay un lazo que nos une"
"Eres todo cuanto deseo"
"Mi corazón te pertenece... soy toda tuya"
Amigos con derecho:
"No todo han de ser charlas, también acción"
Rollos de una noches:
"Pasamos un buen rato y ni siquiera te conocía."
"Tienes un no se que, que que se yo, que me gusta"
"No hay palabras, no hay comentarios... Simplemente perfecto."
Mejores amigos:
"Eres como un hermano, confio ciegamente en ti.
Mejores amigas:
"Eres como una hermana, confio ciegamente en ti."
"Nada nos separá nunca, eres muy importante para mi."
"Te protegeré pase lo que pase, aunque por ello pierda mi vida."
"Me proteges del peligro, eres como mi ángel de la guarda."
"Por los buenos ratos"
"Has hecho algo que me hace respetarte y admirarte."
"Creo haberte visto por ahí"
Trato Hostil:
"No me hables, no me mires, no te soporto"
"Me hiciste algo malo, algo que jamás olvidaré"
"Te detesto, preferiría que estuvieras muerto."
"Mejor que no nos crucemos o habrá problemas"
"Una vez te quise, pero eso pertenece al pasado."
Luna Earnshaw
Luna Earnshaw
♥ the girl with angel eyes, and a piece of soul ♥

Mensajes : 16
Fecha de inscripción : 05/03/2011

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Empty Re: Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

Mensaje por Daniel Wattson* Mar Mar 08, 2011 6:50 pm

algun sitio para mi se agradece uno bueno Razz
Daniel Wattson*
Daniel Wattson*

Mensajes : 54
Fecha de inscripción : 27/02/2011

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Empty Re: Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

Mensaje por Charlie Swan Miér Mar 09, 2011 2:22 pm

Charlie Swan
Charlie Swan

Mensajes : 33
Fecha de inscripción : 01/03/2011

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Empty Re: Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

Mensaje por Bella Swan Jue Mar 10, 2011 6:22 pm

Lugar Luna?? Smile
Bella Swan
Bella Swan
*♥*The Stupid Lamb*♥*

Mensajes : 304
Fecha de inscripción : 26/02/2011

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Empty Re: Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

Mensaje por Luna Earnshaw Dom Mar 13, 2011 7:03 pm

Luna Earnshaw
Luna Earnshaw
♥ the girl with angel eyes, and a piece of soul ♥

Mensajes : 16
Fecha de inscripción : 05/03/2011

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Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna Empty Re: Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if its not rough it isn't fun (Relaciones de Luna

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